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Blessing momentous decisions by Trustees

By Sonny Teeling

The role of the Royal Court in supervising the administration of trusts is fundamental to the trust concept, with article 51 (1) of the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984 (the “Law”) permitting a trustee to apply to the Royal Court for directions concerning the manner in which the trustee may or…

Recent amendments to Jersey’s AML/CFT/CPF Regime

By Sonny Teeling

Recent amendments to the Proceeds of Crime (Jersey) Law 1999 (the Proceeds of Crime Law) have the scope to bring a significant number of entities that carry out business within Jersey (irrespective of whether they are located in or outside of the Island) within Jersey’s regime for the prevention and…

Just & Equitable Winding Up – Whoopsy Daisy

By Sonny Teeling

Case Name & Citation In the Matter of the Representations of Daisy Logistics Mezz Pledgeco Limited, Daisy Stores Mezz Pledgeco Limited and Daisy Stores II Mezz Pledgeco Limited [2023] JRC051.   Factual Background Daisy Logistics Mezz Pledgeco Limited, Daisy Stores Mezz Pledgeco Limited and Daisy Stores II Mezz Pledgeco Limited…

Service Charge (Lift)

By Sonny Teeling

You pays your money and takes your choice – Tenant’s liability for service charge Q: If a tenant has the right to use part of a building under the terms of his lease but doesn’t, is he still required to contribute towards its maintenance? A: In short, ‘yes’. In Reekie…

Attorney General’s Guidance – Director’s Disqualification

By Sonny Teeling

The Attorney General has released helpful guidance relating to applications for director disqualifications pursuant to Article 78 of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 (the “Companies Law”). Article 78 of the Companies Law allows the Attorney General, the Jersey Financial Services Commission or the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services to…

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