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Voisin Law announces promotion

By Emma

Voisin Law LLP is delighted to announce the promotion of Frances Littler to Partner. Frances joined Voisin in 2013, after having been enrolled on the firm’s successful Bursary Scheme since 2008.  She qualified as an English Solicitor in 2015, from which time she focused her practice on Dispute Resolution.  Frances…

Wills for those domiciled in Jersey

By Emma

A Will is a written declaration of your wishes as to how your property (assets) should pass after death. A Will can be amended or revoked at any time before death, provided you retain the requisite mental capacity. Why should I have a Will? There are many advantages to making…

Leaving a Legacy

By Sonny Teeling

Whilst not a subject of everyday conversation, making a Will is a way for you to ensure that your affairs are in order and your wishes recorded should the worst happen. If you die without having a Will in place your assets will be dealt with under the intestacy provisions…

Indemnification of Trustees – helpful clarification

By Sonny Teeling

The case of Representation of White Willow (Trustees) Limited [2022] JRC120 provides helpful clarification as to the trustee’s right to reasonable security in the form of an indemnity when making an interim distribution to beneficiaries. This case was another instalment in long running litigation concerning the Foundation, but, in summary,…

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